Why should you have a whiteboard video?
Close your eyes and imagine having bubbles in your head. You can list down the reasons on why you should have whiteboard videos as an effective advertising tool. Let’s take a look.
Bubble #1: Attention
The attention is captured through whiteboard videos. Rest assured that an average viewer watches 20 videos per month. They would prefer to watch videos that are easy to understand and directly hit the idea without a miss. The in-depth would go further through research. YouTube, an online video network sharing website places third in the internet world. Ninety percent of all online-traffic is video-related.
Bubble #2: Authenticity
Authenticity is heaven in whiteboard videos. It does not focus on “you” as a target audience. Instead, it gives them an idea that whiteboard videos are group dynamic in terms of reliable information. You can share the whole story of the product and service for only 20 to 30 seconds by simple colors, lines, curves, and shades.
Bubble #3: Straightforward messaging
Straightforward messaging is one of the priorities in whiteboard videos. You don’t need to analyze too much on the graph and its origin. It simply gives you a story to follow on where it began and how it will end. That is the secret formula of whiteboard video.
Bubble #4: Simple format
The simple format is the advantage of whiteboard videos to each customer. The classic shade of black and white catches the attention of the audience. It also signals eye coordination by simply following the talented hand that draws, so the story and serve to guide the narrator.
Bubble #5: The natural flow of the story
The natural flow of the story is observed through whiteboard videos. The delivery of effective script is one factor to successfully catch the attention. However, the natural funny flow of story brings out the best in persuading the audience without force.
Great Statistics
Whiteboard video narrows down complex ideas to simple ideas through its two to three minutes of detailed animated videos. There are 67% of learners who are auditory and visual that makes them appreciate the magic of whiteboard videos. YouTube, a non-profit website is third highly visited in the internet world. An average viewer watches 20 videos each month. Less is more in whiteboard videos – it’s one idea, one story, one concept.